tisdag 22 januari 2008

IF: Plain 2

No. 2

In my dictionary the word ´plain´was explained with lots of word about simplicity and an open area without trees. So I wanted to make a very "plain" landscape. Unfortunatley the colors are a bit pale due to my scanner. I really like this kind of abstract pictures; If you know the idea behind the picture you can see the origin, but if you don´t know - you can see something new. Some times less is more.

måndag 21 januari 2008

torsdag 10 januari 2008

Illustration Friday: 100%

This is my first submission to IF and it was a tough one!

I really like the IF-idea and hope to show many more pictures here.

måndag 7 januari 2008

Kulturskolans infoblad

Här är några bilder som jag gjorde förra året till
Kulturskolans nya informationsblad.





